Cougar Softball Splits with Motlow on Day One
After a two day rain delay Cleveland State travelled to Motlow State on Sunday March 26 and split a doubleheader winning the first game 3-1 while losing the second in eight innings 6-5. The loss halted the Cougar winning streak at 16.
Currently the Cougars have an overall record of 21-6 and conference mark of 12-1. The four-game series concludes on Monday March 27 at Motlow with doubleheader start times of 12:00 and 2:00 p.m. EST.
Game One Recap… Sunday March 26
Bailee Phillips won her eighth game of the season allowing three hits while striking out six as Cleveland State managed three runs on seven hits in leaving nine runners on base in the 3-1 win.
The Cougars scored two in the fourth when Emily Higgins who had walked and Kristen Fowler who reached on a fielder's choice were driven home by an Ally Starnes single for a 2-0 lead. In the fifth Abby Starnes doubled plating Carlynn Atamaniuk who had reached base on a one out single.
Motlow scored one in their half of the fifth in what would be their only run of the game. Atamaniuk, Abby Starnes each had two hits while Sullivan, Fowler and Ally Starnes had one hit each for the Cougar seven hit total.
Game Two Recap… Sunday March 26
While banging out 15 hits in game two the Cougars were unable to hold leads of 2-0, 3-0. 3-1, 4-3 and 5-4 as Motlow pushed across a two out tying run in the seventh eventually winning the game in the bottom of the eighth scoring two runs erasing a Cleveland State 5-4 lead.
The Cougars had three players who were 3-for-five; Atamaniuk, Fowler and Hope Ingle who's hits included a two-run homer and double. Abby Starnes, Sullivan, Higgins, Ally Starnes, Whitney Lee and Lexi Vogel each had one in rounding out the 15 hit attack.
All in all the Cougars left 16 runners on base while Motlow stranded five.
What's Next
The four game series with Motlow finishes on Monday March 27 at Motlow State with start times of 12:00 and 2:00 p.m. EST.