Cougar Baseball Loses First Game to East Georgia… the Other Rained Out
Cleveland State scheduled to start a four-game series on the road vs East Georgia State on Friday February 17 came off a six-hour bus ride greeted by rain. After two hours of waiting in the dugout only one game was able to be played of the scheduled doubleheader with the Cougars taking a 5-3 loss. Currently Cleveland State has an overall record of 4-4.
With the game scoreless going into the bottom of the third inning East Georgia scored two runs for a two-run lead. The Cougars answered quickly in their half of the fourth when AJ Swader grounded out to pitcher as Bryce Burkey scored making the score 2-1.
It was East Georgia again in the bottom of the fifth scoring three with the Cougars answering right back in the top of the sixth scoring two moving the score to 5-3. Jacob Robinson singled home Swader and Burkey but that was the end of the scoring in the eventual Cougar loss.
Cleveland State had five hits on the game two by Burkey and one each from Jaylen Jones, Swader and Robinson. The Cougars turned three double plays while Andrew Kribbs hurled one inning of shutout ball.
The Cougars are back at it vs East Georgia on Saturday February 18 finishing the rain shortened road series with doubleheader start times of 12:00 and 3:00 p.m.