Cougar Baseball Preview vs Chattanooga State Friday March 31 and Saturday April 1 at Chattanooga State
For the second weekend in a row Cleveland State Baseball takes to the road and travels to Chattanooga State for a three-game conference series with a doubleheader on Friday starting at 1:00 p.m. EST and a single nine inning game on Saturday with first pitch slated for 2:00 p.m. EST.
With an overall record of 18-10, in conference play the Cougars are 8-3 in second place while the Tigers are in fourth place at 7-5 with an overall record of 22-6.
About the Cougars
Games: 28
Overall Record: 18-10
Conference Record: 8-3
Current Streak: 3-0… Most recently won vs Wallace State Community College-Hanceville 8-4
Batting Average: .319
On Base Percentage: .419
At Bats: 833
Runs: 210
Hits: 266
Doubles: 41
Triples: 4
Homeruns: 30
Runs Batted In: 183
Walks: 117
Strikeouts: 198
Stolen Bases: 45
Opponents' Batting Average: .252
ERA: 4.96
Earned Runs Allowed: 114
Cougar Hit Leaders
Batting Average
Riley Orr: .500
Brandon LeJeune: .435
AJ Swader: .429
Rhett Hammontree: .372
Jaylen Jones: .344
Jacob Robinson: .309
On Base Percentage
Riley Orr: .566
Brandon LeJeune: .517
AJ Swader: .509
Jaylen Jones: .460
Rhett Hammontree: .444
Bryson Trammell: .430
Cannon Stafford: .386
Reggie Cooper: .368
Bryce Burkey: .356
Ryan Stephens: .341
Jacob Robinson: .330
Riley Orr: 36
Rhett Hammontree: 32
Jaylen Jones: 31
Jacob Robinson: 29
AJ Swader: 21
Bryce Burkey: 20
Bryson Trammell: 20
Cannon Stafford: 16
Ryan Stephens: 11
Reggie Cooper: 10
Brandon LeJeune: 10
Runs Batted In
Riley Orr: 18
Jaylen Jones: 16
Jacob Robinson: 16
Rhett Hammontree: 15
Cannon Stafford: 14
Bryce Burkey: 11
Jaylen Jones: 7
Riley Orr: 4
Bryce Burkey: 3
Bryce Burkey: 1
Riley Orr: 1
AJ Swader: 5
Riley Orr: 3
Stolen Bases
Jaylen Jones: 11
Bryce Burkey: 9
Jaylen Jones: 18
Bryce Burkey: 14
Bryson Trammell: 13
Reggie Cooper: 11
Riley Orr: 9
Cougar Pitching Leaders
Carter Fink: 5
Ben Smith: 1
Ben Norton: 1
Innings Pitched
Cooper Casteel: 37.0
Carter Fink: 36.1
Drake Randolph: 18.2
Ben Smith: 17.1
Griffin Orr: 16.2
Brycen Denton: 14.1
Andrew Kribbs: 13.2
Carson Mitchell: 12.0
Ben Norton: 12.0
Connor O'Donnell: 11.1
Riley King: 8.1
Earned Run Average
Connor O'Donnell: 1.59
Andrew Kribbs: 1.98
Carter Fink: 2.97
Cooper Casteel: 3.16
Ben Smith: 3.63
Opponents' Batting Average
Brycen Denton: .164
Andrew Kribbs: .170
Cooper Casteel: .187
Connor O'Donnell: .195
Ben Norton: .227
Griffin Orr: .231
Carter Fink: .243
About Chattanooga State
Games: 28
Overall Record: 22-6
Conference Record: 7-5
Current Streak: 5-0… Most recently won vs Scoutz Post Grad 13-3
Batting Average: .347
On Base Percentage: .482
At Bats: 769
Runs: 276
Hits: 267
Doubles: 54
Triples: 6
Homeruns: 6
Runs Batted In: 221
Walks: 175
Strikeouts: 138
Stolen Bases: 52
Opponents' Batting Average: .276
ERA: 5.83
Earned Runs Allowed: 121
Most Recent Results Cleveland State vs Chattanooga State
Cleveland State played Chattanooga State four times during the 2021-2022 season and lost 6-5, 3-1, 18-8 and 12-9.